RGB (Red, Green, Blue)


1. Red, green and blue color model is used for specifying the colors.
2. To create any color by varying intensity of RGB color combinations, these color values supported in all browsers. 
3. The red, green, blue colors intensity ranges from 0 to 255.  
Color combinations

Color Picker in Photoshop 
By using color picker in Photoshop to create any colors.
Color Picker in Photoshop

Primary Colors
1. Red, green and blue are primary colors. Mixing these primary colors to create other colors.
2. Primary colors combined together in the form of light, they would produce white, it is used in television, theatrical lighting and computers monitors.
Primary Colors

Secondary Colors
1. Secondary colors created by mixing primary colors. Secondary colors are yellow, magenta and cyan.
2. Printing processes use cyan, magenta, yellow and sometimes use black also, this is know as CMYK. K stands for black in the printing process.
Secondary Colors
RGB (Red, Green, Blue) RGB (Red, Green, Blue) Reviewed by Unknown on November 15, 2017 Rating: 5
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