Power of Hierarchy

Visual information can be arranged in order of importance. Attention is draw the most important information within a composition.

Hierarchy Levels

Hierarchy Levels in Webpage 

Factors for Determining Hierarchy

1. Color
1. An element will appear more hierarchical if it is color is different than other elements color in a design.  We naturally look first at the different color element in a design.
2. Here below figure there are three mobile phones, and one is different color of others, our attention will focus different color mobile.

Example 1

Black Color Mobile Appears More Hierarchy

Example 2

White Color Button Appears More Hierarchy

2. Size

1. An element will appear more hierarchical if it is larger than other elements in a design.  We naturally look first at the larger element in a design.
2. Here below figures, naturally look first at the larger element in a design. 

Examples 1

Moon is More Hierarchy Compare to the Stars

Examples 2
Big Size Object Appears More Hierarchy

Big  Font Text Appears More Hierarchy

3. Shape

1. An element will appear more hierarchical if it is shape different than other elements in a design.  We naturally look first at the different in a design.
2. Here below figures, naturally look first at the different design tongue cleaner.

Examples 1

More Hierarchical Shape Chairs 
Examples 2
Fig(1) :- Tongue Cleaner Appears More Hierarchy

Fig(2):- Tongue Cleaner Appears Less Hierarchy

4. Alignment 

1. An element will appear more hierarchical if it is proper alignment design.  


In below fig organised alignment draw the more attention compares to the no alignment design.

5. Contract 

An element will appear more hierarchical if it changing from a light color to a dark color or from a thin, italicized serif font to heavy, modern san serif font creates contract.


In below fig(1) is the light color thin italic font is draw the less attention compare to the fig(2) dark color thick sans serif font.
Fig(1) :- Less Hierarchy (Light Color Thin Italic Serif Font)

Fig(2) :- More Hierarchy (Dark Color  Thick Sans Serif Font)
1. Easy to attract the customers.
2. Improve the business less span of time.

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Power of Hierarchy Power of Hierarchy Reviewed by Unknown on September 21, 2017 Rating: 5
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